My thoughts on the mid-season changes (2025)

2 weeks ago

@ZulkiersA few things:

Ult Accelerants:

- They're useful for Ash, Mad Maggie, Ballistic, Horizon, Valkyrie, Alter, Crypto, Vantage, New Castle, and Wattson. Everyone else's is very situational, (Bangalore, Gibraltar, sometimes Caustic), recharges quick, (Octane, Mirage, and Pathfinder (when scanning Care Packages)), and/or isn't all that needed, (like marking people with Seer's heart).

If you're going to run Vantage, she's killer with ult accelerants. Using her level 2 perk, "Ultimate Reload", she can give her ult 4 charges, (instead of 2), and use it twice as fast. A Vantage running around with one of these means they can shoot people 10 times. (6 from a fully charged ult + 4 from the ult accelerant).

Considering it takes 2 shots to down most players, (and 3 to down the rest), she can squadwipe a whole team and have a shot, (or more), to spare. Of course, that also depends on if they go and hide, heal, armor swap, etc.


- While it sounds nice to have it do a ring of knuckle clusters, that would be a bit more annoying. A ring of fire is more meant as an area of denial, (if used in places like hallways), and to trap knocked players from getting help from their teammates. It also stops enemy players from easily helping those inside the ring as it highlights them, (for now, I think that might get removed soon).

Overall, his ult is more or less situational.


- I liked it when he had the silencer. It was less annoying and easier to avoid. Now we just got Seer's version and it just goes through walls, where dodging it mid-fight is a pain. Luckily, Seer's pickrate is low, so I rarely deal with being silenced.


- She's getting a lot of crazy buffs. She will be introducing everyone to the skies... (and then to the ground). Are you ready?

I'm a little worried because whenever I hear someone skydive, I'd run into buildings. Now, no one will be safe when trying to hide from most level 3 Valkyries. Not to mention that I main Valkyrie, so uh... keep your eyes on the skies.

- As for the rocket's speeds, I think they will launch quicker. Its kind of hard to tell if the change means "time to take off", which would mean its quicker as its a lower number, or "speed", which would mean its slower. We'll have to wait and see when the patch gets released.

I'm also very happy I'll be able to punch out of her tactical. I have been flying into the sky to drain the fuel tank as that would cancel the tactical, but if I was able to, I would climb a wall instead. This has been one of the minor pains for Valkyriemains everywhere.

@Zulkiers> "Although, I think her ultimate naturally needs more height. It seems to naturally be lower than the mobile balloons."

Actually, this is not true. Valkyriecan launch herself higher than the EVACtowers, (and even higher with the 15% skydive perk).

Starting Position:

My thoughts on the mid-season changes (1)

Valkyrie VS EVAC (No Perks)

My thoughts on the mid-season changes (2)

Valkyrie VS EVAC (15% Skydive Perk Equipped)

My thoughts on the mid-season changes (3)

Note: It was hard to tell when Valkyriewas at the highest point, so the heights shown are around the max height. For the no perks skydive, this was ~168 meters, while the skydive with perks was ~191 meters, (as shown in the screenshots above).

Other Legends:

- With Crypto's drone trying to EMP on recall, I think that might be players hitting the wrong buttons, as like you, I've never had this happen. I've also didn't notice any issues with Mad Maggie.

- With New Castle, I choose the speed perk as it helps in a lot of fights. The base shield can take a lot of hits, so making it be able to protect teammates quicker is better to me. However, perks allows there to be different playstyles, so use what works for you.

- To clarifythe confusion on Wattson's "Emergency Power" perk, its this:

My thoughts on the mid-season changes (4)

It basically acts like a golden helmet for everyone's ultimateand recharges their shields quicker. I've actually didn't know this was broken. I've thought the only thing that was broken was its description when trying to select it.

Its funny to see, but its confusing as to what it does, as I thought it would let me place down two ults, not recharge ults and shields quicker. (Also, I remembered the description when looking at it in other places didn't say it recharged ults and shields quicker, so it was even more confusing as to what it did).

My thoughts on the mid-season changes (5)


- Some ideas sounds interesting, but I can't imagine things like a ballisticshield or the Re-45 becoming Akimbo. (I hope they never Akimbo the Wingman... it will be a nightmare).

- I'm also not a fan of the gun shield hop-up. It does feel like it takes several bullets to break someone else's, while they can one shot yours. I think the reason comes down to the type of weapons being used, as I believe snipers have bleed through damage, (so it would make sense that it can take out the gun shield in one shot). The game also has some issues with the servers and with the hit reg, as there has been times where the death recap had said I was shot 4-6 times with a weapon, when I've only heard, (and saw), 1-2 bullets being fired.

Its also very possible that the hop-up is just bugged, (where it was meant to take more damage), but I'm not sure if this is the case or not.

My thoughts on the mid-season changes (2025)
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